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Moving Your Shop – How to Keep Your Customers

25th February 2018 Advice

You have a retail business and it’s going pretty well, so you decide to enlarge your product range and therefore you need more space. You find the perfect place to move your shop to – it’s large enough, the location is pretty crowded and the price is reasonable. But there comes the worrying issue – the moving part. You have a lot of goods and equipment which needs to be relocated. On the other hand you don’t want to waste time because it means no income for couple of days. Don’t worry, there are ways to make the moving faster and easier without losing your customers.

  1. Inform everyone in advance

Use every possible way to let people know that you’re about to change your location and start as early as possible. Put signs on the walls of your former-to-be place of business giving information about the new address and the event date. Do the same at the new place if you have this opportunity, let everyone knows that there is going to be something new and exciting there soon. It’s a good idea to plan some promotions and discounts that will bring even more customers to your new place. Don’t forget your social media accounts – stay in touch with your customers online and answer all the questions they might have.

  1. Consider doing it overnight

Small storeThis is the best way if you don’t want to miss a single day of sales. The hard part is that you will be short of time and you will need extreme organization. It’s difficult but not impossible. Get as many people as you can involved in the “operation”, provide them with enough boxes and other things they may need, get a few vehicles and don’t waste any time! Of course, you can substantially ease the process by hiring a removal company which will get things done fast and in a professional manner. Just negotiate the conditions with them and they will do the rest while you’re sleeping, moving your business to East Barnet or doing an A to B removal from your old location to Hayes, BR2.

  1. Hire some helpers

However, if you decide not to work with a removal company, you will need an extra hand. A lot of extra hands, to be exact. Don’t hesitate to ask your friends, relatives or neighbours, they will be happy to help and you can return the favour by giving them voucher for your shop, for example. Thus it’s a win-win situation and they will be double-motivated to do the job.

  1. Keep a good organization

The better you organize the whole process the smoother it will go. Take enough time to arrange even the smallest details and check everything twice during the preparation. All these efforts will pay you off in the future. Write everything down, make a schedule and give it to all participants, keep important phone numbers near at hand. Try to be on time and don’t get behind the schedule. Provide enough time for the separate steps and have in mind that unexpected things might (and will) happen. If they happen, try to keep calm and focus on solving the problem rather than blaming and criticizing, no one needs this extra tension.